Junaid Kaippani is a unique role model in India’s rural governance. He is the chairman of the Wayanad District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee and member of the Vellamunda division in Kerala State. His is a distinct and novel approach to developmental activities as well as to public service. His work for the people has progressively been making advances and has earned him much attention as a representative of local governance.
As a people’s representative, the work that Junaid Kaippani has carried out on more than fifty projects for the welfare of his people stand out for its unique way of functioning and impact, and have been arousing much interest.
1. Panchayat Talk Series
A project that has garnered a lot of attention in the national and international media and has been widely covered by English journals as news stories is the Panchayat Talk Series. Junaid Kaippani has brought out a series of YouTube videos which explain, in simple language, decentralization and the execution of local governance against the backdrop of the Kerala and the changing times.
The special feature of the talks is that they place emphasis on basic issues and discuss decentralization, planning, the panchayat structure, the execution of rural governance and the role of people’s representatives. These topics are succinctly and simply summarized in the talk series.
The series have been attracting a lot of views as the audiences, including people’s representatives, give feedback. The feedback includes ideas for the practical implementation of people’s needs. Feedback is also received about the desires and hopes of the Keralite people.
2. Vikasana Madhura Sangamam (Sweet Union of Progress)
This centers around the novel way in which a completed project is inaugurated and thrown open to the public. Instead of just cutting the ceremonial ribbon and declaring a project open, which is just a token gesture, the beneficiaries of a given project, who live in the locality, assemble together and the project is dedicated to them. Such an inauguration provides a platform for the beneficiaries to voice their views. It also provides a platform for the comprehensive and complete participation of the beneficiaries in such projects.
3. Leadership institute of Political Practice) (LIPP)
LIPP is an educational institute that delivers classes in Vellamunda. Bright students from Class 9 to degree 1st year are given free training during the course of a 10-month long program. Students are divided into micro batches and learning sessions are time-tabled accordingly. The subjects taught include public speaking, writing, organizational skills and public service. Sessions are led by experts in the field and include practical hands-on training.
4. Gothrakshemam (Tribal Welfare)
This is a program, the aim of which is to ensure that government welfare schemes and policies aimed at tribal people, reach the intended beneficiaries, in the intended tribal hamlet. The scheme also scrutinizes and checks that government funds that have been set apart for this purpose do effectively reach the target group. Tribals, as a rule, tend to stick to themselves and very often are not aware of welfare policies and schemes meant for them. Therefore, the Gothrakshemam scheme helps to create awareness among the tribal and give them access to various health and educational schemes laid out by the government for them
Rehabilitation and awareness campaigns to rid tribal hamlets of the evils of substance abuse are also key points of this project. Moreover, the project works to make basic essential facilities accessible to the most backward and deserving of tribals and help them accept assistance. The project also aims to bring improvements to the traditionally backward educational status of tribals.
Thus, Gothrakshemam is a multi-pronged, multi-faceted welfare project aimed at the uplift of tribals.
5. Happiness Voice
This is a project aimed at improving the mental health and happiness quotient of the people of Vellamunda division under the guidance of expert psychiatrist and counsellors. On the occasion of World Happiness Day 2022, this project has received much acclaim. In the stress of modern day living people have forgotten what it is to be truly happy. They find it difficult to have a hearty laugh or feel really content. The aim of this project is to help people experience the lost emotion of happiness. Happiness should not be measured by the yardsticks of developmental, economic or worldly progress. Instead, people should be encouraged to understand that it is happiness and contentment that are the true criteria of holistic progress of any society. This project gives rise to reflections as to why it is that even in the midst of scientific, economic and social growth, people are still discontent, distressed and lack peace of mind. It is the change in our attitude, our thinking and overall lifestyles, along with unhealthy tendencies both mental and physical, that are responsible for our loss of contentment and happiness. Both governments as well as individuals should be aware of this and bring about necessary changes in order to make society as happy and content as it used to be before. People should be helped, taught and supported to share their emotions. Their network of friendships should widen more in the community. They should resist the trend to withdraw into isolated Islands of their own. The Happiness Voice project makes sincere attempts in this regard, both at the individual and societal level.
6. Vikasana Sabha ( Progress Forum)
This is a permanent and ongoing structure where people from various is walks of life are encouraged to come up with ideas and proposals that can be implemented for the progress of their community. Engineers, doctors, teachers, advocates, traders, entrepreneurs, students, youth and senior citizens associations, representatives, political leaders, cultural workers, men and women from the sports and art field, voluntary organizations, women’s self help groups, adivasi or tribal group representatives, librarians, representatives of various workers unions, farmers, differentially abled people, NRIs and employees are encouraged to meet separately. This helps them to put across ideas and proposals on topics with which they are closely associated and which they can effectively help to materialize.
7. Njangalum Heroyannu (We Too Are Heroes)
This is a scheme which aims to help young people face exams without stress or anxiety. Many bright youngsters are unable to give their best at public exams. This project helps prepare youngsters to view exams as a positive experience and to face them without fear. “Let us hold our children close to us,” is the message that this project gives.
8. Kshanam Bakshanam (Food Served in an Instant)
This is a scheme for those who go hungry in the Vellamunda division it. It aims to create a ‘hunger- free division’ where no one ever goes hungry, and food is always ready for those who need it.
9. Division Welfare Desk (DWD) system
This is a project begun under the leadership of Junaid Kaippani for the welfare and prosperity of the people of the division. It is an integrated, one -stop arrangement for redressing the grievances of people. It is organised in such a way that people can submit their complaints through a digital platform or via a helpline.
10. Gramaadaram (Honouring the Talented)
This is a project for honouring those people in the division who have proven their talent in various areas. The program was conceived to encourage the abilities of such persons. The division member congratulates them personally or at a public program and presents them with a note of appreciation.
11. Kshemam Sutharyamaavatte (Let Welfare be Transparent)
This is a special citizen canvassing program in which members of the public are welcome to participate as observers in the meetings of the District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee. This program is the brainchild of Junaid Kaippani himself as chairman of the District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee.
This unique program makes the proceedings of governance transparent and gives the public a chance to see close-up how decisions and policies regarding administration of their division are made. This project is currently being much discussed.
12. Pravasi Care (Caring for Expatriates)
This is a program initiated by Junaid Kaippani for the welfare of those people from the division who work abroad as well as in other states of India.The programme works at the division level through an active digital platform and helps expatriates to openly voice issues and problems connected to their native place. It also helps them find solutions to them. Moreover, it provides a platform for them to present their opinion on developmental matters.
13. Job Bank
Educated, unemployed people in the division are the target beneficiaries of this project. The job bank helps eligible youngsters find jobs of their liking in reputed organizations at home and abroad that fetch an attractive salary
14.Sargathmakathakkoridam (A Space for Creativity)
This is a project created with the intention of encouraging artists and writers within the division. Art work and writings which have not been publicized or published are brought out into the open through this venture.
15.Centralised Division Office System
The Centralised Division Office System of the Wayanad District Panchayat is the first and the only one of its kind in Kerala working at the District Panchayat division level.
It offers a help desk facility where people can register their complaints and grievances directly to the District Panchayat representative. The common man is able to understand various kinds of development matters being executed by the three-tier apex body. Moreover, the office provides development counselling sessions to the public.
16. Panchayati Raj Reference Library
This library possesses a collection of various types of books owned by Junaid Kaippani that help to educate the public as well as newly elected representatives about the Panchayati Raj system.
17. Chairman Care Lunch
The Kalpetta Civil Station is the district administrative office where hundreds of ordinary people arrive from various parts of the district for various purposes. Among them, those who have no means to buy food are provided with three lunch coupons under the Chairman Care Lunch project. The project was initiated by Junaid Kaippani in his capacity as chairman of the Welfare Standing Committee. Those in need, collect coupons from the District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee office. The project, whose aim is to ‘provide a square meal for the hungry’, has been attracting much attention.
18. The Child District Panchayat Division
A children’s organization was formed at the District Panchayat level to develop leadership qualities in children between the ages of 10 and 18, and to create in them awareness about the democratic system and the local governance. It is the country’s only Child District Panchayat Division. Moreover, the project aims to create a sense of social commitment in the coming generation of the division.
19. Aavishkar (Expression)
This program is designed to encourage writers and media persons in the division and to familiarize the public with their work. Its main activities include discussions on books in collaboration with the library committee of the division, debates, workshops, poetry forums, literary discussions and a monthly ‘table talk’.
20. Speech Craft
Speech Craft is a public speaking training program conducted by the District Panchayat for the public. It trains them to get over stage fright, develop their language ability and fluency, and present their topic with clarity and style. The training is led by experts in public speaking.
21. Janatha Relief
This is a scheme which helps to procure medicine free of cost for patients who, upon investigation, have been found to lack the money to buy their own. This is perhaps the most notable philanthropic activity in the division.
22. Development Counselling
Counselling, expert technical advice and guidance are needed to find solutions to complex local development problems. These are provided through development counselling sessions under the leadership of the division member. The sessions have been found to be extremely useful to the general public.
23. Zero Cyber Crime
Cyber crime is escalating by the day. Zero Cyber Crime is a program that is designed to make the public vigilant against such crimes and is executed jointly by the District Panchayat Division and the Cyber Security Foundation. This elaborate scheme comprises programs that make the people aware, alert and protected against cyber crimes. The scheme also gives counselling sessions on an individual basis.
24. Bed Bank
The bed bank is for the benefit of financially poor patients who are bedridden at home. The scheme has already provided beds to several patients who are too poor for afford a bed of their own.
25. Medicine Street
The concept of a medicine street was put forward in Kerala for the very first time and has been organised jointly by Wayanad District Panchayat, Vellamunda Division, social forestry and residents association. For this purpose, medicinal plants and trees have been planted along the Vellamunda Mundakkal Colony road
26. Kalari Gramam (Kalari Village)
This is a scheme that seeks to give training in the traditional Kerala martial art form of Kalaripayattu to the new generation. Training is given, free of charge to interested students in Vellamunda division jointly with Kammana Kadathanadan Kalari.
27. Madhuram Madhumeham (Health care Without the Sugar Coating)
This project makes available glucometers at anganwadis (child care centres) and cultural centres in Vellamunda division so that ordinary people can check for diabetes. More than twenty crore people in the world are affected by diabetes. Every 8 seconds a person dies due to diabetes. Unhealthy lifestyles cause the measure of sugar in the blood to increase or decrease uncontrollably. Early and regular testing helps to prevent diabetes and to keep it under control. Thus, the benefits of the Madhuram Madhumeham project are multifold for the health of the villagers. This program also brings in medical experts and conducts awareness camps.
28. Lahari Virudda Sainyam (Anti -Substance Abuse (No Drugs and Drinks) Army
This is a project conducted by the Wayanad District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee jointly with various volunteer organizations. It conducts awareness campaigns against substance abuse among students in selected schools of the district. An army of experts and volunteers have been set up for this purpose.
29. Mega congratulations
This is a project where all students of Vellamunda division who have passed public exams, especially the SSLC and Plus Two Board exams are commended equally, regardless of the grades they have secured. Awards are given to the students. Higher education experts also hold special classes to guide them about future studies.
30. Jeevan Raksha Sparsham (The Life Saving Touch)
This project has been organised by the Vellamunda division and Dr Moopen’s Medical College, Wayanad. It is a basic life support training program called Jeevan Raksha Sparsham. Training is given on scientific and life saving procedures to be undertaken immediately in the event of an accident or other emergency befalling a person. The project seeks to inculcate scientific awareness in the common people in saving lives in an emergency such as instances of a person falling unconscious or choking on food. Timely and scientific intervention could save lives at such critical junctures.
31. Vayodeepam (Lamps of Old Age)
‘When one considers the average life expectancy of an Indian we need to thank God for anyone who has seen a thousand full moons or, in aother words, has celebrated his 84 birthday’, says writer M T Vasudevan Nair in in Varanasi.
It is the duty of a civilized society to honour such elders in their community, and appreciate them for the font of knowledge and experience that they are. The Vayodeepam project is the first of its kind in Kerala. Project members go to the home of the 84 year old and talk about his/ her life experiences and honour him/ her.
32. Division Demography
This is a project to do with the demographics of Wayanad Jilla Panchayat for the purpose of collating information connected with population demographics of the area.
33. Kaumaram Nattunanmaykku (Teenage for the Service of Society)
Teenage is the time when physical and mental capabilities are at their prime. The project which encourages teenagers in the division to lend an hour of the time in the service of the society has had an overwhelming response. Every year, students who have completed their Class 10 and 12, register for the project. They undertake all kinds of social service for members of the Vellamunda community.
34.VidyaVilakk (Learning Light)
‘Vidyavilakk’ is an educational project led by the Vellamunda division which aims to provide free study materials for the needy primary and high school students of Wayanad District Panchayat Vellamunda Division.
The needy students will be found out under the leadership of socially committed personalities,teachers,promoters,social workers and the requirements will be met through well wishers.
35.Constitution Learning Club
Constitution Learning Club is a platform functioning with the participation of schools and libraries under the leadership of Wayanad District Panchayat Vellamunda Division to investigate, take pride in and share ideas about India’s legal system and judiciary after independence.
36.Regional Food
This project aims to promote the production, Marketing and training for the new generation of indigenous North Wayanad food products such as “Vaduva,Thuramanga,Pelaila,Pulipathal,Njerlada,Ariyumda,Idiyunni,Sarkara Upperi,Jackfruit Chips,Kuru Unda,Pinjanathappam,Kasoorappam.
37.TA For TH
The T A received by Junaid Kaippani from District Panchayath towards the cost of traveling for public representatives is set aside for the students who are incapable of manage to pay their travel expenses.This is the exemplary work of Junaid Kaippani.This scheme is implemented by handing over the amount for the needy students to the Headmaster s of the schools in vellamunda division every month.Deserved children will get ST amount from HM s cabin.Special cash boxes named “TA For TH “(Traveling Allowance for Traveling Help”) are delivered directly to the cabin of HM s of the respective schools.
38.Safe Lady Project
In an effort to ensure Self Security for the Women of the devision a free Karate training programme is being organised under the leadership of Wayanad District Panchayath Vellamunda Division.The project is implementing in collaboration with Funakoshi Shotokan Karate -do.
39.Know the soil and know the seeds
At the soil testing center of the district Panchayath with the message “For better crops let’s cultivate by knowing the soil”This is a programme to encourage the farmers of the division to let them aware the significance of Soil testing in agriculture.As part of this scheme a special help desk number has been set up to get free counseling regarding soil testing.
40.Cleftlip Free Vellamunda
This is free project for complete eradication of Cleftlip in Vellamunda Division.Eligible Peoples were identified by Conducting a free Cleftlip,Face defect Prevention Camp.Eligible Patients will be treated by Justice.K.S Hedge Institute of Medical Science in Collaboration with Popachan Charitable trust,Jyothirgamaya,Wayanad Heartbeats trauma Care.
41.Vellamunda Kambalam
This is a Kambalanatty Festival organised by Wayanad District Panchayath Vellamunda division.This programme highlights the importance of our farming tradition and several agricultural practices.It is being implemented by giving “Talaballi” from District Panchayath.
Kambalam is a unique traditional art of the paniya -Pulaya community Which is performed While planting paddy in the fields it follows dance,song, beating thudi and playing Chini.
Kamabalanatti focuses on Promotion of organic farming.Kambalanatti teaches the new generation that agriculture is a part of life likewise Kambalanatty gives a firm belief and rhythm that agriculture is life breath.
Kambalanatty tries to convey the message that protecting the fields and preserving rice cultivation is necessary for the survival of future generations.On the occasion of Kambalanatty Festival the best farmers of the division are also felicitated.
42.Sericulture cell
It is aims to provide a helpdesk facility to get assistance,guidance and encouragement to the farmers who wish to launch silk farming in Vellamunda division.
Silk farming is a new venture to generate better income.Special campaigns , promotion programmes are being conducted by the cell to boost sericulture.
Sericulture cell of the division is identified by the fact that sericulture became so familiar to the farmers of the Vellamunda division.
43.Move On
It’s a free project to give artificial limb caliper for beneficiaries in Vellamunda Division .This project is implemented by District Panchayath Vellamunda Division in association with Social Services Organisation
44.Pada Sparsam(Foot Touch)
Padha Sparsam is a programme intended to give free footwear for all Differently abled persons in Vellamunda Division as per their requirements.
45.Division Bulletin
It is a social media platform with the aim of informing the public about development activities and welfare schemes of Vellamunda Division and general notices and government Directions that the citizens should be awarded of.
46.Book Exchange
It is a scheme to collect books for New and Existing Libraries from the public and others.
47.Local Tourism promotion cell
The activities of Local Tourism promotion Cell include introduction of Tourists Places in Vellamunda Division and Provide helpful suggestions to the visitors..
48.Clour Weds
Clour Weds is a project with the aim that no one in the division should feel sad beacuse of scarcity of money to buy wedding costume
The wedding clothes are delivered completely free of cost for the needy bride and groom and no need to return anything
This scheme not only gives clour to the wedding dreams of girls but also organises free wedding dresses for grooms
49.Let’s compete and become an inaugurator
This programme gives an opportunity to the public to inugurate projects which have been completed by using District Panchayath funds.On the occasion of inuguration some projects Sports and arts fests are organised and the Champion is given the opportunity to inugurate the Project.
50.History talk
This programme intended to promote discussions and debates connected to the history of Vellamunda Division.Junaid kaippani himself is presenting the historical background of Vellamunda in Various parts through a vedio series.This programme highlights the need of History awareness in New generation.
Thus, Junaid Kaippani and his array of special projects, conceived and executed with the sole aim of improving the lives of his fellow men and women in Vellamunda, have made him a people’s representative par excellence.
Profile-Junaid Kaippani
Let us know a bit more about Junaid Kaippani.
Junaid Kaippani is Wayanad District Panchayat Welfare Standing Committee chairman and Left Democratic Front (LDF), district panchayat parliamentary party leader. He is also the current General secretary of the Wayanad district Janata Dal (S).
He was active as state president and all India secretary of the Vidyarthi Janata Dal and state secretary and member of the Yuvjana Janata Dal national committee. He has also borne the positions of member of the Janata Dal(S) state committee and its district vice president.
He has also been active as all India president of the Yuvajana Seva Dal, president of the Wayanad district Mathrubhoomi study circle, state convener of the Maulana Azad Cultural Forum student’s wing, working president of the Kerala Madhyavarjana Samithi (Prohibition Council),Wayanad district secretary of the Bus Passengers Association and president of the Pravasi Janata Cultural Forum (PJCF), Qatar chapter.
He is currently district secretary of the Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) and chairman of the Life Enrichment Training Zone (LETZ) Charitable Trust, and director of Agrilad and Progress Foundation. Moreover, he is currently State general secretary of the Kerala Chamber of District Panchayat Standing Committee Chairpersons, state co-ordinator of the Sugathavanam Charitable Trust, editor of Wide Live news portal and extension faculty at the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA). He also functions as wayanad district vice- chairman of the P N Panicker Foundation and as community engagement director of the Sidra Liberal Arts and Science College.
Entry into politics and Student agitations
Junaid Kaipani’s political entry was as a follower and worker of the Students Federation of India (SFI) during his high school days. He was the SFI Vellamanda unit president, SFI Panamaram area president, SFI Panamaram area secretary and a member of the SFI Wayanad district committee. He took a lead role in organising several agitations such as those against the computer studies fees levied by schools and the agitation for the Wayanad District Government Engineering College to be retained in the district. He also led campaigns for bus charge concessions for students etc.
Though still a high school student, Junaid Kaipani had taken the lead in some of the much talked-about student agitations against self-financing colleges and the commercialization of education in Kerala. This was in the wake of the suicide of the student Rajani S Anand in 2004. He also participated in the agitation against casteism.
During his college days it was his vast reading about Indian political socialist experiments that attracted him towards socialist politics. He became the president of Socialist Students Organisation (SSO) of Mananthavady assembly constituency. He later became its Wayanad district secretary. At the state conference held in Changanassery in February 2017, he was elected to the SSO state committee.
Activity in Karnataka and in Kerala University Union
When Virendra Patil was chief minister of Karnataka, campus politics as well as student union elections were banned. The ban stayed in effect for two decades. The Vidyarthi Janata Dal, Karnataka chapter held a satyagraha at Bangalore Race course Junction in July 2008 demanding the ban be overturned by an ordinance. The slogan “Re-introduce Student Politics” drew much attention. Junaid Kaippani’s activities as secretary of the Vidyarthi Janata Dal was also instrumental in helping him establish close friendships with the top leadership of Karnataka Janata Dal.
In 2011 he was elected as the parliamentary party leader of the Vidyarthi Janata Dal of Kerala University Union. This was followed by his election as vice-chairman of the Kerala University Union. This election merits special mention as it was the first time that a vice chairman was elected from the district of Wayanad to the Kerala University Union. This victory came in for special appreciation from H.D Deva Gowda, the then Janata Dal all India president and former Prime minister.
Teaching interest
He has taught at LETZ Education Centre, Nalloornad, AMMR Government Higher Secondary School, English School at Nasik, Maharashtra and at Al Furqan( Sidra Liberal Arts and Science College). Junaid Kaippani has thus proven his calibre as a good educationist.
Junaid Kaippani has a degree and a master degree in commerce and a B.Ed. In addition, he has a master degree in psychology. He has also completed a certificate course on the topic of ‘Decentralization and Local Governance’ conducted by KILA and Digital University in association with Sree Narayana Guru Open University.
He was born in Vellamunda as the son of Mammooty Kaippani and Subaida. His wife Jesna Junaid is a teacher. The couple has a son, Adil Jihan and daughter, Jeza Fathima.
He completed his schooling at AUP School Vellamunda, GMHSS Vellamunda and St Joseph HSS,Kallody His higher studies were carried out at Calicut University, Kerala University and Annamalai University.
Writings and Awards
Junaid Kaippani is an active presence in the social and cultural spheres. He has written several books including the travelogue ‘Rapartha Nagarangal’ for which he was awarded the Media Excellency award. His role as civic worker and public person has won him the Dharmik Award and the Sree Narayana Guru Cultural Award.
He is currently busy writing a book to be titled ‘The Ins and Outs of Democracy”.
